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Author Archive

Social Media Marketing

Saturday, June 28th, 2014

Sharon Singer took a Social Media Marketing for Small Business course in order to develop more expertise with Social Media. Excellent course by Nawal Ahmed!


Thursday, December 5th, 2013

“Isis and Osiris, Gods of Egypt” had a BIRTHDAY PARTY and FUNDRAISER on December 2, 2013 at Heliconian Hall at 35 Hazelton Avenue, Toronto. Tickets for the concert and refreshments $35.00. This event featured the first live public performance of the Love Scene from Act One of the opera and a jazz concert by the Togni Trio. The evening consisted of this concert, door prizes, a silent auction and a CD launch of Peter-Anthony Togni’s new CD “Piano Alone.”  Birthday cake for all!



Bill Gladstone praises short story “Yetta’s Gift” in new anthology

Friday, June 15th, 2012

In reviewing the new book “Tracing Our Roots, Telling Our Stories” published by the Jewish Genealogy Society of Canada, Bill Gladstone in the Canadian Jewish News writes,
“In “Yetta’s Gift” author Sharon Singer relates the moving tale of her grandmother’s crossing with her four children…” Gladstone goes on to tell more of the story and then concludes, “No mere genealogical document could convey such heartbreaking vignettes. “

Readings: Linda Stitt’s Saturdays at Portobello

Friday, June 8th, 2012

I enjoyed the three readings I gave on June 2, 3, and 4. June 2 was at Linda Stitt’s Saturdays at Portobello. I read all new poems including my tribute to Yasmin Levy “WORDS TIPPED WITH FIRE.” Linda stepped into the sandals of Osiris, while I wore the jewels of Isis in our reading of Act One Scene 2 of my libretto for the opera ISIS AND OSIRIS. On Sunday, I read at the 2012 Hamilton Jewish Literary Festival. “Aron, in Three Movements” is a poem about my grandmother’s brother, a cantor in Galicia who lost his life in the Holocaust. On Monday I read my story “Yetta’s Gift” at the 2012 Toronto Jewish Book Festival, sponsored by the Jewish Genealogy Society of Canada (Toronto). It was an exciting and intense three days!